Category: Uncategorized

  • Shame Of Being Disabled

    We saw black widow spiders where my youngest daughter plays. That night my husband killed them, but the next day my daughter’s finger swelled up. It was huge, it was puss filled, it was purple – we were sure it was a black widow bite and that the purple-weirdness would spread. My husband texted: “This is an emergency – go to the ER.” ​And…

  • Postpartum Depression Aftershocks

    I’ve been functioning less and less during this heat wave. There is no break in the heat, and we don’t have air in the center of the house, which is usually where the girls are, so usually where I am. Yesterday I noted that I was possibly having a bipolar flare up. I was moody,…

  • Some Extra Minutes

    Tape and pompoms keep them entertained long enough that I can enjoy my overnight oatmeal! Totally recommend! #momlife

  • Crazy Hair

    Recently my daughter said she had “pretty hair” from her dad, and her sister Fippy has “crazy hair” like me. She then illustrated her point. This is me:

  • My Disability Could Lead To Pregnancy

    My Disability Could Lead To Pregnancy

    “Congratulations,” the doctor stuck his head in the door. “You’re pregnant.” He shut the door. 18, straight out of the mental hospital, barely able to take care of myself – and now this? I had never had anything close to a pregnancy scare. Always responsible, I carried around condoms in my purse just in case.…

  • The Haunted Room

    The Haunted Room

    Because of my eccentricities (including a mental illness or two) I’ll never be a reliable narrative when it comes to the world of ghosts and aliens. However, my bedroom is haunted. I hear music playing in it all the time and when I leave the room to see if it’s a neighbor blasting their jams,…

  • Hallmark Movie Day

    Hallmark Movie Day

    I woke up, biked 20 miles on my stationary bike, listened to a youtube video of Sharon Olds and then wrote. I’m writing about my past, and admittedly it’s a little dark. So dark, in fact, it sent me into a major funk where all I wanted to do was watch Hallmark movies. A simple…

  • My Tree

    My Tree

    I wanted to show you a few ornaments from my tree which is basically a love letter to my husband. That’s my tree tour! Happy holidays!

  • Truthful Holiday Greetings

    Truthful Holiday Greetings

    I just started sending out holiday cards that read ”All is great here and we’ve just moved from the beach to a small mountain community.” I suppose it’s all true. We did move, and basically everything is pretty great most of the time. But it skips over the actual state of my mental health, and…

  • Driving Panic

    Driving Panic

    Today I paced around the house, totally unable to complete basic tasks, because I was afraid I was going to get in a car accident when I picked my daughter up at schoool. I’ve never been good at driving. I didn‘t get my driver’s license until I was 23. When I drive I always think…