About Rae

These photos scare the hell out of me.


What if my little girl had never been born? I was wrong about who I was for so long that I might not ever have started a family or started creating things.

I am changing. Growing. Trying. I want to meet other artists and I want to meet people with disabilities or people who have disabilities in their family. I want to feel connected, because for so long I separated myself from other people because I did not feel as if I was enough.

I want to make things. (check out my free ebook for color coded gratitude here and — this one is for kids! — my  free poetry prompt ebook here)

This taggy blanket was the first thing I made for my daughter.








I made it when I was trying to distract myself from an extremely painful pregnancy. The fact that she loves it reminds me that the way out of my trouble — mind, body, spirit — is to create.

I have limitations, worries and frustrations. There are going to be days when my outlook is bleak, and I’ll share those feelings as well because that’s part of being human.

Making things makes me happy and free! It might make you happy, too.

I’m a poet living in Southern California, with my husband and daughter, nicknamed Elro. We raise plants and caterpillars. My book, “Bipolar Disorder For Beginners,” was published in 2013 and a book of poetry I edit entitled “Kids! San Diego Poetry Annual” launched last year. They are both available on Amazon.

Please contact me at raeroselarkbloom@gmail.com.

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